The Canadian Prairies are not what they once were, by most measures less than 10% of undisturbed Prairie remain, this makes re-establishing native grasses important work. Establishing native grasses from seed is challenging, so we set out to find a way to find a better way to deliver native grasses. NaturesTurf™ is a unique product we developed with a method to produce broad blend of native grasses in a sod like format.

NaturesTurf™ consists of fully vegetated rolls – nursery produced with a blend of native vegetation grown within 35-45mm of soil-less growing medium and reinforced with a unique integrated erosion control blanket which is fully biodegradable.
NaturesTurf™ provides immediate full vegetative coverage of native plants - its the ideal solution for a wide range of naturalization projects.

Common Applications:
• Park and municipal settings
• Storm ponds, rain gardens and other LID installations
• Reclamation and riparian restorations
• Green roofs
• Areas requiring native plants that are hard to vegetate with seed
Installation & Maintenance
Delivered in a big roll format with 2 - 2' x 50' rolls per tube (200 sqft) Installation is similar to conventional sod, rolls can be placed with big roll laying equipment or can be cut into smaller pieces when desired. While similar to conventional sod, installation is slower due to tenderness and thickness of NaturesTurf™. For establishment water deeply every 2 days for 2-3 weeks after installation. NaturesTurf™ is typically delivered via a super B, each load will contain approximately 60 Rolls - 12,000 sqft. NaturesTurf™ is intended to be a naturalized product and requires minimal maintenance. The full plant coverage at installation suppresses weeds and limits the establishment of wind blown weed seeds. After establishment we recommend an annual mowing in early spring mow at a 5-6" height on a mulch setting. Fertilize at installation and annually with a balance N-P-K controlled release product.
Ordering & Procurement
NaturesTurf™ is available in four standard Blends - Grassland, Mixed Grassland, Riparian & Wetland. We can also grow custom blends of NaturesTurf™

CONTACT US for to discuss your unique project needs.
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There's so much to love about NaturesTurf™

Drought Tolerance is an Adaptation for our Ecoregion.

When designing products for naturalization or reclamation, we always use nature as our guide and select specific species based on their various adaptations. One of these adaptations is drought tolerance.

Where NaturesTurf™ should and shouldn’t be utilized.

The magic doesn’t stop at our nursery. NaturesTurf™ can be safely harvested and transported across North America to fulfill its ultimate purpose - Mindful Revegetation.

Naturalization underway with this product
Find out how we can help you get natural.
We have the perfect product for your naturalization project.
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